Do you struggle with abusive behaviors? Empower Tehama can help.

pensive woman sitting on couch

All couples have disagreements at times, but if you often find yourself regretting the way you treat the people you care about, it might be time to seek help. It's not an easy thing to talk about, and we commend you for visiting this page to look for a solution. Abusive behaviors are not innate – they are learned. This means they can be unlearned and replaced with healthier, more constructive ways of relating to both others and yourself. Empower Tehama provides a judgement-free space to dig beneath the surface, confront the difficult truths, and take meaningful steps towards positive change.

How you came to seek help doesn't really matter. What matters is that you're here.

Keep moving forward.

Perspectives Program

Empower Tehama's Perspectives program is designed to allow individuals struggling with abusive behaviors to discover tools for handling stress and address issues that influence their relationships. Perspectives uses an evidence-based, cognitive skills program with two components: Coping with Anger, and Untangling Relationships.
In its 52-week format, the Perspectives program meets court guidelines as a Domestic Violence Batterer Intervention Program.

Getting Started:

To register to attend Perspectives, you must visit Empower Tehama's Prevention Center at 151 Sale Ln. in Red Bluff between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, for an assessment.

Voluntary Enrollments:

An assessment fee of $20 is due for individuals voluntarily enrolling in Perspectives, with a fee of $10 for each class. Be prepared to show proof of income and complete an Income Determination form when you register.

Court-Ordered Participants:

If you've been ordered to attend the 52-week Batterer Intervention Program or Child Abuse Treatment Program by a court, be sure to bring your referral paperwork with you.
An assessment fee ranging from $40 - $80 will be due when you register. Your assessment fee and individual class fees will be determined by an Income-Based, Sliding-Scale formula. Be prepared to show proof of income and complete an Income Determination form when you register.

Other Referrals:

If you've been ordered to attend Perspectives by probation, child welfare services, or any other agency, be sure to bring your referral paperwork with you. There may be a fee for your assessment and for each class, depending on which agency is referring you and why. Be prepared to show proof of income and complete an Income Determination form when you register.